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Transforming Lives in Nairobi: How Friends Church at Bissil Mission Station is Making a Difference

Welcome to Partners in Ministry! In this episode, host Dan Smith talks with Pastor Gilbert Watima from Friends Church Bissil Mission Station in Nairobi, Kenya. Learn about the church’s incredible journey since its founding in 2004, as they address not only spiritual needs but also significant social, economic, and cultural challenges in the semi-arid region of Kajado County.

Pastor Watima shares the church’s initiatives, from providing education and safe havens for girls escaping FGM and early marriages to combating radicalization and poverty. Through partnerships like the one with the Quakerdale Foundation, the church is making a tangible impact, helping young people transform their lives and become ambassadors of change in their communities.

Want to get involved? Find out how you can support their mission through donations, mentorship, or volunteering. Your support can help expand their educational programs and provide much-needed resources.

👉 Contact Information & Support Links: Find the Friends Church Bissil Mission Station’s contact details on the screen or in the show notes and description. You can support their work by making a financial donation through the provided links.

Table of Contents
00:17 Interview begins
00:32 What we do
04:55 Transformation seen in the lives of the girls served
06:29 Transformation in the lives of the boys served

07:30 Cultural impact of Bissil Mission Station
08:00 How to get involved
11:15 Final comments

FUM Bissil Mission Station
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— Phone: (254) 723-5557 x46
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On behalf of Friends Church Bissil Mission Station, Pastor Gilbert Watima, and Partners in Ministry, thank you for joining us. Let’s continue to serve as Christ serves!

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(S4, E16)

Dan Smith

Author Dan Smith

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